ECE 563 Assignment 3

Images and m-files for this assignment may be downloaded from and

  1. Photograph (or scan) a collection of objects that would be suitable for binary image analysis of shapes. Suggestions include keys, coins, washers, stamps, leaves, and puzzle pieces. Show the histogram of your image and select an appropriate threshold using (a) Matlab threshold function and (b) manual selection.

  2. The image graycard_75dpi.tif is a scanned image of a Kodak gray reference card. Find the mean and standard deviation of the image. Generate a gaussian random image with the same mean and standard deviation. Display the two images side by side and assess their similiarity or difference.

  3. For the binary images of a spade, club, heart, and diamond, generate a table of features, to include the centroid, rectangular extent (width and height), area, perimeter, and circularity. You may find the Matlab routine regionprops useful.

  4. Generate a binary image with an array of regular polygons with 3 to 8 sides. You may use polygon.m for this purpose. Generate a table of features using connected-component analysis. See polygon demo.

  5. Use morphological erosion to remove the teeth in the gear images from . Vary the size of the structuring element. For each case show the number of erosions used and the final images. Measure the percentage of pixels removed compared to the original image.

  6. Use the results of the last program to generate images showing only the gear teeth and the use connected components to count the number of teeth.

  7. Use morphological operations and the connected-components Matlab functions to find the number of dowel rods in dowels.tif.

  8. Generate a cross-section of the MRI head as shown below

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 9 Feb 2016